examine the participant for competence and loyalty 2023 12 05 03 06 09 utc scaled

Fill your scammers informations

Provide Detailed Information About Your Scammers

We’re committed to helping you recover. Please provide all the details you have about the scammers involved in your case.

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Your Name
Have you already filled out and submitted this form?
If you have already submitted this form, there’s no need to fill it out again
Scammer 1 Name
Enter the first scammer’s name or alias
Scammer 2 Name
Scammer 3 Name
When did the first scammer first contact you ?
Enter the phone numbers used by the first scammer
List any social media profiles used by the first scammer
Select the first scammer’s country of operation
Enter any website or URL associated with the first scammer
Enter the amount of money lost to the first scammer, if applicable
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Thank you